At right , Wendy McCulley welcomes guests to the State of Education Gala . McCulley is chief engagement and external partnerships officer for Fresno Unified and president / executive director of the Foundation for Fresno Unified Schools .
In a fun-filled and inspiring evening , supporters of Fresno Unified gathered for the annual State of Education Gala , raising more than $ 300,000 for scholarships .
The gala , put on by the Foundation for Fresno Unified Schools , is the primary fundraising event for Fresno Unified Scholarships , awarded in the spring . The event was held on Oct . 12 at The Manor Estate .
The main part of the evening was kicked off with an amazing serenade by Superintendent Bob Nelson , Phong Yang and Iris Person . “ Higher ” was written and produced for the Foundation for Fresno Unified Schools by Yang , interim vice president of student enrollment at Fresno State . Nelson , the keynote speaker , inspired the audience with news about the district ’ s major initiatives , including the Every Child ia a Reader literacy project , the expanded after school program , career technical education and an increased collegegoing culture .
Clockwise from top left : Sunnyside High School campus culture director Tasha Hicks , left , and Renee Cromer enjoy the State of Education Gala on Oct . 12 .
Guests at the gala contributed to fundraising through a blind wine wall .
Gala entertainment featured Sunnyside High School ’ s Danzantes , including Venizia Valdez and Isabela Camacho , front row , and Elian Flores and Johnathan Martinez .
Gala entertainers included Zubemma Ntukogu as part of the Computech Middle School string quintet .
From left , Phong Yang , Iris Person and Superintendent Bob Nelson surprised gala guests by performing an original song by Yang .
He also talked about the importance of the Foundation for Fresno Unified Schools efforts to create “ unlimited opportunities for students to do whatever they want in the universe .”
Last year , the foundation awarded a record 219 scholarships totaling $ 309,000 , tripling the awards from the previous year . Since 2009 , Fresno Unified Scholarships have helped support the college dreams of hundreds of Fresno Unified students . A selection committee awards the scholarships to students from all of the district ’ s comprehensive and alternative high schools , focusing on students who might not otherwise have the financial means to go to college . Applicants have met the minimum GPA requirements ,