FACES of Fresno Unified Graduation Edition 2023 Magazine Template_GRADUATION EDITION FOR PRINT NO BLEEDS 8.4.23 | Page 33

College : Fresno City College Career Goal : Nurse / Doctor
About Samyra : Life has not been easy for Samyra Viveros , who has had to deal with poverty , gang violence and homelessness – and changed high schools four times . But she persevered and finished with a 3.5 GPA at Cambridge High School and graduated early . Cambridge school counselor Issalia Wood is amazed at Samyra ’ s determination , perseverance and positive outlook . She said extreme obstacles have not stopped Samyra from pushing forward to secure a better life for herself .
June 1 , 2023 / Saroyan Theater
Part of her motivation is wanting to help her mother . Samyra describes her mom as having , “ spent her whole life worrying about our next meal , our next move and has always made sure that we are taken care of .” Her mom worked two jobs , which meant Samyra did not get to spend much time with her growing up . With her mom working constantly , she looked to Samyra to help care for her grandmother , administering her insulin shots and checking her blood pressure . Her grandmother always told her she would be a good doctor or nurse . After her grandmother passed away in 2021 , life was even more difficult , Samyra said , making even normal tasks seem unbearable . But she decided to honor her grandmother ’ s memory and pursue a career in healthcare . Her plan is to become a nurse and perhaps go to medical school later to become a doctor . Her Fresno Unified Scholarship will help her gain some independence . She said she has moved frequently and had , “ very little say in my life .”
Samyra participated in Women ’ s Alliance at Cambridge , working with mentors . Her hobbies are drawing , reading and listening to music .
In her words : “ I have always been told that I am very patient and caring and I believe that those skills will make me a very good nurse .”
From Cambridge school counselor Issalia Wood : “ Samyra has proven time and time again that she is a smart , dependable and an outstanding student deserving of a great future .”