FACES of Fresno Unified Graduation Edition 2023 Magazine Template_GRADUATION EDITION FOR PRINT NO BLEEDS 8.4.23 | Page 40

June 1 , 2023 / Saroyan Theater
College : Fresno City College Career Goal : Nurse
About Alexandria : When Alexandria Lopez was young , her mom struggled with serious health problems . Alexandria wanted to help but didn ’ t know how . That feeling of powerlessness motivated her early on to want to be a nurse , a career she is now ready to pursue . After in-person classes resumed following COVID restrictions , she decided not to return to Sunnyside High School because she wanted to finish high school quickly . She transferred to J . E . Young Academic Center , where students can take classes at their own pace . She finished high school six months early , including completing her A-G classes required for college entrance . Her teachers were impressed by her motivation but also with her caring personality . Alexandria acknowledged that she loves “ helping others and nurturing people .”
Alexandria has worked since she was 15 to help with finances at home , and currently has a job as a caregiver and is also certified to apply eyelash extensions . Between working and her accelerated high school classes , she still found time to participate in leadership and club volleyball while at J . E . Young . She looks forward to a career in nursing , with the goal of being a traveling nurse because she wants to see as many places as she can .
In her words : “ Knowing that I ’ m able to help people warms my heart and makes me feel good .” From counselor Jessica Silva : “ Alexandria is a very bright student , and I am consistently impressed with her hard work and dedication . I am certain that Alexandria will excel through her college career and achieve her goal of becoming a registered nurse .”
College : Fresno Pacific University or Fresno City College Career Goal : Pediatric Nurse
About Marshayla : Marshayla Goodman was diagnosed at age 10 with hidradenitis suppurativa , a skin condition that causes painful lumps and scars and meant frequent visits to Valley Children ’ s Hospital . This experience inspired her to want to be a pediatric nurse because she knows what it feels like to be a child and to struggle with pain and confusion . Marshayla ’ s mom knew how to ease the soreness of her skin condition . She was also her role model and biggest supporter . It was devastating to Marshayla when her mom passed away in 2021 of COVID and pneumonia . She has had to navigate financial and emotional difficulties and learn to be independent . When she first arrived at J . E . Young Academic Center from her previous school , Marshayla did not engage with the other students and seemed to have “ a chip on her shoulder ,” said Jodie Garabedian , the school ’ s Advance to College coordinator . But thanks to the close-knit feel of J . E . Young and one-on-one support , Marshayla blossomed there . She emerged as a student leader , serving as associated student body vice president and taking charge of Black History Month events and other activities . Garabedian praised Marshayla for her perseverance , leadership growth , impact on the campus and goals to go to college and be a nurse . Despite tremendous hurdles , Marshayla graduated a year early from J . E . Young , where students can take online courses at their own pace . She could have graduated in the middle of the 2023 school year but chose to stay through May to finish out the academic year with her classmates and teachers .
In her words : “ I plan on furthering my education and using college to achieve my career aspirations . Although I am excited for my next steps , I know it is going to be difficult without having my mom here to cheer me on .”
From Jodie Garabedian , Advance to College coordinator : “ I love her with all my heart and am so grateful to be part of the woman she has become .”