Table Of contents
Feature Story: Excellence in education fresno unified’ s best of the best
08 faces: anthony her teaching with purpose
10 12 faces: kari ward sequoia Teacher opens her classroom and heart to students
faces: Lamberto heras supporting, guiding, inspiring: a sunnyside counselor’ s story
Spring 2025
14 faces: yulissa guzman Empowering Students, One Day at a Time
16 18 20 24
26 faces: miguel meza aspiring toy designer: Yokomi Student’ s creative journey
faces: alina zamorano rising above: sequoia student wins award for perseverance
faces: Damian mosqueda global dreams: design science student pursues international business
Q & A with catalysts and visionaries jeff allen: tEACHER ON sPECIAL aSSIGNMENT Instructional Services
Q & A with catalysts and visionaries noreida perez: ATTENDANCE AND SOCIAL EMOTIONAL MANAGER Prevention and Intervention
30 alumni spotlight: Jasmine Vang Elevating Voices through theater
Alumni spotlight: james chea from sunnyside to screens: grad creates game characters
36 board members & executive cabinet